Argentinians are always more than willing to include anyone in the experience. Mate is often enjoyed alone, but is more about the process, the inclusion, and the connection than the drink itself, and is the perfect ice breaker as they welcome you into their customs, as if they were welcoming you into their home.
Yerba tea leafs are placed into the gourd and hot water is poured from the thermos. The metal straw, called a bombilla, has special holes on the bottom that act as a filter, so that only the liquid tea enters the mouth and not the leafy bits. This tradition has created a mate culture all over

Cafe con Leche translates as “coffee with milk” and is the most popular order for breakfast coffee. Cafe con leche consists of 50% espresso and 50% steamed milk in a large mug. While cafe con leche is normally enjoyed at breakfast time, afternoon coffee selections are normally less decadent, like a cortado served in a smaller mug with less milk.
Many times, cafés have a breakfast special that includes cafe con leche, a cup of orange juice, and 3 medialunas, traditional Argentine pastries that resemble croissants.

It is traditionally prepared by boiling yerba mate in water, then strained and served in cups. It is a bitter tasting beverage, similar to mate but milder, with the same stimulating and nutritional properties. It is also sold in tea-bags, so it can be prepared like tea.
The Jesuits in the current territories of the south of Brazil and Paraguay, and the Argentine provinces of Misiones and Corrientes, in the first decades of the 17th century improved the cultivation technique of the yerba mate and exported it.

This Argentine treat is basically reinvented hot chocolate. Literally translated, el submarino means submarine, referring to the way that the beverage is made – a thick piece of dark chocolate is sunk into a mug filled with hot milk, and when stirred, the milk becomes hot chocolate.
This delicious drink is especially popular during winter, and it is recommended to add some sugar for a sweeter version.

Malbec is the flagship variety of Argentina and the one that best represents our palate: since 2011 it has been the most cultivated variety in the country, and has positioned itself as a leader in volume, quality and exports worldwide.
Noted for its intense dark colour and fruit explosion, Malbec offers a wide range of aromatic profiles associated with its terroir. In general, its aromas are reminiscent of cherries, strawberries, plums, raisins and black pepper and in some cases, cooked fruits. Aged in oak, it acquires notes of coffee, vanilla and chocolate. In the mouth it fills the palate with its sweet, silky tannins.

Considered the most famous criolla variety, it is one of the most widespread white wines and has achieved remarkable international recognition. It is found only in Argentina and is said to be the country’s signature white wine.
These light-bodied wines are usually perfumed and aromatic, while they typically display a wide array of fruity and floral aromas which are complemented by well-balanced, bright acidity.

Bonarda is the second most cultivated red variety after Malbec and one of the most traditional. Introduced into the country with the immigration currents of the late nineteenth century, its cultivation began in the Cuyo region.
It produces wine with good body and colour, raspberry aromas and subtle aniseed notes. When it is used in blends, it provides intensity and fruity notes. Its structure allows it to be aged in barrels with very positive results.

The key is to choose fresh fruits and serve them at the perfect temperature. There are different styles and tastes of clerico recipe.
It’s convenient to experiment with this delicious pairing of wines and fruits, which achieves a perfect mixture to melt and enhance the flavors of these two ingredients.
Clericot was popularized in Argentina by the British. Originally known as “claret cup,”

Today Bariloche, the hub of Argentine Patagonia, is also the hub of Argentine beer. It is the largest producer and consumer of craft brews, thanks in part to its German and Swiss heritage.
Argentina was heavily populated by European immigrants at the end of the 19th century, and although the majority of the new settlers were from Italy and Spain, there were also scores from Wales, Ireland and, perhaps most notably in Cordobese terms, Germany. Villa Belgrano is a German village founded by two agriculturalists in 1930, and the mountain town is Alpine in style and even hosts the National Oktoberfest.

Fernet-Branca is so popular in Argentina that a distillery was built in Buenos Aires to supply America
It’s the only country besides Italy where Fernet-Branca is currently produced.
Love it or loathe it, the most popular alcoholic drink in Argentina is Fernet and Coke. This bitter black liquid is mixed with Coke nationwide to accompany barbecues, family gatherings on Sundays, football matches and, of course, as lubricant for a night on the town.
This heady blend of sugary sinfulness was created in Cordoba